NHK WORLDで放送中の『Where We Call Home』に、本学工学部機械電気システム工学科のSajid NISAR(サジド・ニサル)准教授をはじめ、ニサル研究室のメンバーや他大学の大学院生、学部生が登場します。
『Where We Call Home』は日本に住む外国人の暮らしやそれを支える人々を見つめ、豊かな共生に向けた課題や支援の取り組み、地域社会の未来を探っていくテレビ番組です。
2024年10月28日(月) 9:30~
『Where We Call Home』
「未来の車いすをあなたに/Creating the Wheelchairs of Tomorrow」
Where We Call Home | NHK WORLD-JAPAN
Creating the Wheelchairs of Tomorrow – Where We Call Home | NHK WORLD-JAPAN
※11月にはNHK BSで日本語版も放送予定です。改めて案内します。
工学部リンク:工学部 | 京都先端科学大学(KUAS)
[Media] NHK WORLD’s “Where We Call Home” features students from Faculty of Engineering
Associate Professor Dr. Sajid NISAR from Faculty of Engineering at KUAS, along with members of his laboratory, as well as graduate and undergraduate students from KUAS and other universities, will be featured on NHK WORLD’s program, “Where We Call Home.”
“Where We Call Home” is a TV program that highlights the lives of foreigners living in Japan and the people who support them, exploring issues, support initiatives, and the future of local communities for prosperous coexistence.
This year, Mr.Habib ur Rahman Muhammad, president of Sewa International Limited Liability Company, came to Japan from KUAS to learn about manufacturing electric wheelchairs in Japan, hoping to create an electric wheelchair to his brother who has a leg disability.
Mr. Rahman is now a wheelchair maker and is collaborating with KUAS Faculty of Engineering students to develop next-generation wheelchairs. Rahman is also participating in the KUAS Faculty of Engineering
Program Information
Broadcast Date
Monday, October 28, 2024, 9:30 AM
Where We Call Home
“Creating the Wheelchairs of Tomorrow”
*For further details, please refer to the NHK WORLD website linked below.
NHK WORLD website URL:
Where We Call Home | NHK WORLD-JAPAN
Creating the Wheelchairs of Tomorrow – Where We Call Home | NHK WORLD-JAPAN
*A Japanese version will be broadcast on NHK BS in November. Stay tuned for the announcement.
Faculty of Engineering Link
Faculty of Engineering | Kyoto University of Advanced Science (KUAS)
(Public Relations Center)