9月19日(木)、奈良県 育英西中学校の3年生が京都太秦キャンパスを訪問。工学部の学びを体験しました。



(工学部教授 川上浩司)
Tour of the Faculty of Engineering for students of Ikuei Nishi Junior High School, Nara, Japan.
On Thursday 19 September, third-year students from Ikuei Nishi Junior High School, Nara, visited the Kyoto Uzumasa Campus and experienced learning in the Faculty of Engineering.
After a mock lecture by the Vice-President/Dean of Engineering Tabata, the students participated in the ‘capstone experience’ and the ‘exchange meeting with international students’.
The pyramids in Egypt are completed when the capstone is placed on top at the end. The ‘capstone project’ is a project-based learning course that solves real problems faced by companies, serving as a culmination of what 3rd and 4th-grade students have learned so far. The ‘capstone experience’ is a hands-on version of the ‘capstone project’ arranged for junior high school students.
During the exchange meeting, the international students and teachers communicated with the students in English. The students had prepared their self-introductions in English in advance, and despite their nervousness, they spoke with smiles.
Faculty of Engineering of KUAS aims to develop world-class engineers. In collaboration with various educational institutions, we will continue to contribute to the development of engineers and researchers who will lead the future of Japan.
(Hiroshi Kawakami, Faculty of Engineering)