
2024年工学部・工学研究科入学式開催 同卒業式・学位授与式も

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世界30ヵ国以上 総勢162名の留学生が入学

9月4日、京都太秦キャンパスの「みらいホール」にて2024年度工学部‧工学研究科入学式を挙行しました。世界約30ヵ 国から学部生143名、院生19名、合計162名(英語基準学生*162名うち日本人4人名)が入学。式典は英語で開催され、中には伝統的な民族衣装を着た留学生も見られました。保護者も多く参加し、文字通り国際色豊かな華々しい式典となりました。なお、諸々の都合により参加できなかった一部の留学生に向けて、入学式の様子がオンライン配信されました。

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その後、機械電気システム工学科2年生の依田能宜さんから「本学には多様な言語、文化、宗教的背景を持つ人々との交流や思い描くプロジェクトを追求することができる多くの素晴らしいチャンスがあり、教授陣やクラスメートなど多くのスタッフがあなたをサポートしてくれます。皆さんがKUASで素晴らしく充実した大学生活を送ることを願っています」と歓迎・激励の言葉が述べられました。また、新入生のMyanganmedmed Nasanjargalさんから、「私たちは皆、科学と工学への情熱を共有する夢追い人だと思います。皆さんとお会いするのが待ち遠しいですし、やっとクラスメイトに会えると思うと最高の気分です。」と入学の喜びが伝えられ、式が無事に終了しました。


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(大学総務課 吉谷)

Fall 2024 Entrance and Graduation Ceremonies Held at Kyoto Uzumasa Campus

On Wednesday, September 4, the 2024 Entrance Ceremony for the Faculty of Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering was held at Mirai Hall. A total of 162 students, including 143 undergraduate students and 19 graduate students from approximately 30 countries, were welcomed to KUAS. The ceremony, conducted in English, showcased a vibrant display of multiculturalism, with some students donning their country’s traditional attire. Many parents and guardians attended the event, making for a truly international occasion. The event was also streamed online for students unable to attend in person.

In his address to the new students, President Masafumi Maeda emphasized the university’s potential, stating, “Kyoto University of Advanced Science may be a relatively small institution, with about 4,000 students, 200 full-time faculty members, and 300 part-time lecturers, but we are vibrant and full of potential. As you start your studies here in Kyoto, Japan, you might feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Rest assured, you have made a wonderful choice, and the experiences you gather over the next four years will be invaluable.”

Vice President and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Professor Osamu Tabata, introduced the faculty’s slogan, “Be a Street-Smart Global Engineer!” He highlighted the importance of studying engineering, noting, “Engineering is the academic field that generates new solutions to realize a better life using technology. Please look around the world, many people are suffering and facing difficulties. The important first step is to find such a person and think about the problem together with sympathy and empathy.”

Takanori Yoda, a second-year student from the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Systems Engineering, welcomed the new cohort, stating, “You will find that our campus is home to people from many different countries. Interacting with people from diverse linguistic, cultural and religious backgrounds has broadened my perspective. Our university is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and facilities, allowing you to pursue any projects you have in mind. Our professors, teaching assistants, campus staff and your fellow students are all here to support you. I hope you have a wonderful and fulfilling university experience at KUAS.” Freshman representative, Myanganmedmed Nasanjargal from Mongolia, expressed his excitement, stating, “I believe we are all dreamers who share the same passion for science and engineering. I am eager to meet you all, and it feels awesome to finally see my classmates.”

The ceremony concluded successfully, marking the start of a new academic chapter for KUAS.

Earlier that day, the 2024 Spring Semester Graduation Ceremony and Degree Conferral Ceremony took place at Mirai Hall of Kyoto Uzumasa Campus. A total of 56 students were honored, including 44 undergraduate students (25 from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 9 from the Faculty of Humanities, 3 from the Faculty of Bioenvironmental Science, 3 from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, and 4 from the Faculty of Engineering), as well as 12 graduate students who enrolled in the Graduate School of Engineering in 2021 (Doctoral Program: 9 students in their first semester, 3 students in their second semester). These students have now embarked on the next phase of their lives as they transition into society.

President Masafumi Maeda presented diplomas to the graduates, offering words of encouragement: “Fear not; forge your path with confidence and courage. I sincerely hope that you will become the leaders of a new era and make significant contributions to our world. You are the future, and the future is yours to make.” He concluded by reaffirming KUAS as a lifelong support system for its graduates, stating, “If ever you feel lost, remember that our university is always here for you. The faculty and staff will always support you and walk alongside you on your journey.”

 (Eriko Yoshitani, University General Affairs Division)