
受賞した研究「Optimal compensation scheme considering overwork and effort cost: A reinforcement learning approach」は、セールスパーソンの報酬制度をどのように設計するかという経済・経営学における重要な問題に対して、強化学習という先進的な手法を用いて取り組みました。この研究は、ある状況下において、強いインセンティブを与える Quota(ノルマ)契約では,オーバワーク(過剰労働)が発生するために効率性が損なわれ,結果的に企業の利潤を下げる可能性を明らかにしました。
(経営学科 稲田昂弘)
Profs. Toshihiko Namba and Takahiro Inada Win the “2023 JSAI Incentive Award” at the SIG Research Meeting [Faculty of Economics and Business Administration]
Associate Professor Toshihiko Namba from the Department of Economics and Junior Associate Professor Takahiro Inada from the Department of Business Administration presented at the “24th Special Interest Group on Data-Oriented Constructive Mining and Simulation (SIG-DOCMAS) Research Meeting” during the “Joint Research Meeting 2023 of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence,” held on November 25, 2023【https://www.ai-gakkai.or.jp/about/award/jsai_award-sig/】. Their presentation received the “2023 JSAI Incentive Award.”
The awarded research, titled “Optimal Compensation Scheme Considering Overwork and Effort Cost: A Reinforcement Learning Approach,” addresses a critical issue in economics and management—how to design optimal compensation scheme for salespersons. The study employed an advanced method, reinforcement learning, to reveal that in certain situations, strong incentives in quota-based contracts lead to overwork (i.e., above-optimal effort), decreasing efficiency and potentially lowering firm profits.
This research was selected for the award based on participant voting, praised for its innovative approach and practical applicability to real-world issues. Detailed reasons for the award and the research abstract (in Japanese) are published in Volume 39, Issue 5, pages 688-9 of the “Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence” [link].
Kyoto University of Advanced Science hopes that this kind of innovative research will contribute to solving societal issues not only in economics and management but across a wide range of fields. We are committed to advancing academic progress through cutting-edge research led by our faculty.
(Takahiro Inada, Department of Business Administration)