2024年7月20日から21日に岡山大学津島キャンパスにて開催された国際学会WET2024(Water and Environment Technology Conference 2024)WET2024 (jswe.or.jp) において、バイオ環境学部のZhu Yunxin講師の研究発表「Unveiling the Potential of Solar-assisted Waste-to-Energy Conversion: Insights into Wavelengths Effect on Ammonia-stressed Anaerobic Digestion」が優秀発表賞(WET Excellent Presentation Award)を受賞しました。この研究は、アンモニアストレス下での嫌気性消化プロセスにおける波長の影響についての洞察を通じて、太陽光を利用した廃棄物からエネルギーへの変換の可能性を明らかにし、再生可能エネルギーの分野での新しい技術的展望を示したもので、高く評価されました。

(バイオ環境学部 講師 Zhu Yunxin)
Zhu Yunxin (Junior Associate Professor) Receives Best Presentation Award at International Conference WET2024
At the international conference WET2024 (Water and Environment Technology Conference 2024) WET2024 (jswe.or.jp), held at Okayama University Tsushima Campus from July 20 to 21, 2024, Junior Associate Professor Zhu Yunxin from the Faculty of Bioenvironmental Sciences was honored with the best presentation award (WET Excellent Presentation Award) for her research titled “Unveiling the Potential of Solar-assisted Waste-to-Energy Conversion: Insights into Wavelengths Effect on Ammonia-stressed Anaerobic Digestion.”
This research sheds light on the potential of converting waste into energy using solar power, with particular insights into the effects of wavelengths on anaerobic digestion under ammonia stress. The presentation was highly regarded for its innovative technical perspectives in the field of renewable energy and bioresource management
(Zhu Yunxin, Faculty of Bioenvironmental Sciences)