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2024年6月14日~17日、機械材料工学に関する国際会議Asia Conference on Mechanical and Materials Engineering(ACMME 2024)が本学の南館で開催されました。今年で第12回目となる本会議では、初日に島津製作所創造記念資料館の見学会、2日目にKeynote & Invited Speechと一般オーラルセッション、3日目と4日目に一般オーラルセッションとポスターセッションが開催され、活発な議論がなされました。本学からは工学部の田畑教授(副学長兼工学部長)がConference General Chairとして、工学部の生津教授がKeynote Speakerとして参加しました。2日目にはナノメカトロニクス研究室の見学会が開催。工学研究科の大学院生がナノ機能材料の研究内容や研究設備を紹介しました。



(工学部教授 川上浩司)

12th Asia Conference of Mechanical and Materials Engineering was held at KUAS!

The 12th Asia Conference on Mechanical and Materials Engineering (ACMME 2024) was held at the South Building of KUAS from June 14 to 17, 2024. In the conference, a tour of the Shimadzu Foundation Memorial Museum was held on the first day, the Keynote & Invited Speech and general oral session on the second day, and the general oral session and poster session on the third and fourth days. From KUAS, Professor Osamu Tabata, Vice President and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, participated as the Conference General Chair, and Professor Takahiro Namazu, the Faculty of Engineering, participated as the Keynote Speaker. On the second day, a tour of the Nanomechatronics Laboratory was held, and graduate students from the Graduate School of Engineering introduced their research and research facilities for nanometer scale mechanical and functional materials.



(Hiroshi Kawakami, Faculty of Engineering)