本学工学部の生津資大教授がExperimental Techniques誌に投稿した論文「Nine Point Bending Test Technique for Understanding of Sintered Silver Die Bonding Failure Mechanism」が同誌第48巻3号のカバーアートに選ばれました。同雑誌は高度で新しい実験技術にフォーカスしたものであり、生津教授らはパワー半導体のダイボンディングとして期待されているナノ銀焼結接合の信頼性評価のために開発した新しい実験手法を投稿しました。通常、ダイボンディングされた接合体の信頼性は熱衝撃試験で評価されますが、当時大学院博士課程学生の若本恵佑さんと生津教授らは機械的な力のみで接合体を劣化させる九点曲げ試験技術を考案しました。カバーアートに選ばれた図はこの技術の原理や応力・ひずみ分布を説明したものです。世界が認めた新技術をぜひご覧ください!
(工学部教授 川上浩司)
Professor Namazu’s paper has been selected as cover art for Experimental Techniques!
Professor Takahiro Namazu’s paper “Nine Point Bending Test Technique for Understanding of Sintered Silver Die Bonding Failure Mechanism” submitted to Springer Journal, Experimental Techniques, has been selected as a cover art for the journal’s Volume 48, Issue 3. This journal focuses on advanced and new experimental techniques. Professor Namazu and Keisuke Wakamoto who were doctoral student in his laboratory submitted a new experimental technique developed to evaluate the reliability of nano-silver sintering die attach assemblies, which are expected to be used as promising die bonding technique for power semiconductors. Normally, the reliability of die-bonded assemblies is evaluated by thermal shock tests, but they devised a nine-point bending test technique that deteriorates die attach assemblies using only mechanical forcing. The figure selected for the cover art explains the principle of this experimental setup and the stress and strain distribution. Please have a read of the article on this new technology recognized worldwide!
(Hiroshi Kawakami, Faculty of Engineering)