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2023年3月、RePEcResearch Papers in Economics)の運営するIDEAS(経済学分野のデータベース)のランキングが発表され、本学の経済経営学部が日本のトップ25%以内にランクインしました。




(経済経営学部教授 平田謙輔、広報センター部長 浦田剛)

KUAS Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Ranked in Top Quartile in Japan

As of March 2023, the KUAS Faculty of Economics and Business Administration is ranked in the top quartile of economics research institutions in japan. According to the RePEc/IDEAS rankings, among the 1,230 authors from 208 institutions, the researchers at KUAS ranked in 41st place .This ranking covers the journal articles, books, chapters, working papers and software components indexed by RePEc. 

IDEAS is the largest free, internet-based Economics bibliographic database. Based on RePEc (ResearchPapers in Economics) which is an initiative that seeks to enhance the dissemination of research in Economics and related areas, it contains over 4,400,000 research-related entries, including over 4,000,000 that can be downloaded in full.

Yoshihiro Tokuga, Vice President of KUAS and Dean of Economics and Business Administration, said, “The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration ranked 41st among all economic departments nationwide and within the top quartile nationally in the field of academic achievement in economics. This is a result of the efforts of our researchers at KUAS. I believe that we can continue to provide new value through our research and aim even higher in future rankings.”

(Professor Keisuke Hirata, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,
Go Urata, Public Relation Center)