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学生を代表して宣誓を読み上げるバイオ環境学部の新入生代表 川本 颯空さん


第二部「KUASで、ナニヲスル? 学部長と話そうwith 前田学長」では、学長と各学部長が礼服からスマートカジュアルに着替えて登壇し、新入生からの質問に答える企画が行われました。在校生から本学での勉学や生活に関する紹介が行われた後、新入生からの質問に学長・学部長が返答・アドバイスを行うセッションが催されました。新入生からは、これから始まる大学生活に対する不安や意気込み、力を入れていきたいことなど多様な声があがり、終盤には立ち上がってアピールする学生もいました。




学長告辞 / Entrance Ceremony President’s Speech















そして、工学部、大学院工学研究科です。工学はあらゆる産業や生活と結びついています。人と社会が求める新しいサービス、そのサービスを提供する新たな製品とは、どんな形でどんな機能を具体的に持つべきなのか、そしてそれをどのように具体的に作るのか、実社会を基盤に考えます。ものづくりの“もと”です。「自分」と「社会」を学び、実践の場で活躍できるプロフェッショナルをめざしてほしい。産業界とともに考えるキャップストーンプロジェクト、これは企業が現場で直面している課題解決に取り組む3年次と4年次に行う正課科目ですが、これこそ究極のProgram Based Learning、課題解決型学習です。










学長 前田正史

Congratulations to all new students on your enrollment in Kyoto University of Advanced Science. I would also like to extend my congratulations to your parents, guardians and friends. Our student body, faculty and staff are very pleased to welcome you as our fourth class of students.

With approximately 4,000 students, 200 full-time faculty members, and 300 supporting faculty in five faculties and five graduate schools, KUAS is a compact university with a great deal of substance. Some of you may be feeling a little anxious as well as expectant, but I believe that you have made a very good choice by selecting our university. These four years will be invaluable to all of you.

As the world becomes more and more turbulent, Japan is facing an increasingly difficult situation. Japan depends on countries around the world for many of its resources and food, and must share and utilize its industries and resources with people around the world to increase its economic performance. In the future, you will be participating in an increasingly globalized society that demands competitiveness. At KUAS, I hope that you will acquire the ability to play an active role in such a society, and use those abilities to pursue your dreams. We, the faculty and staff, will do our utmost to help you achieve this.

At KUAS, our curriculum is structured vertically and horizontally. That is, it includes liberal arts courses common to the entire university, and specialized courses.

The liberal arts are the knowledge and wisdom that are essential for you to live as human beings. Human beings are social creatures, and relationships with others are the essence of life. For this reason, knowledge and wisdom that can be shared are essential. In particular, as modern liberal arts, our university offers English education to acquire practical English skills, cultivation of communication skills and teamwork skills through practical physical education, digital literacy, and the handling of numbers and letters as basic academic subjects.

Our university now has 300 international students from 40 countries taking classes conducted in English. You will have the opportunity to interact with this diverse body of students and gain a global mindset. Take advantage of our international campus, and make friends for life. When you hear that you will be communicating in English, you may wonder if you will be able to handle it. Don’t worry, our faculty and staff will support you, and help you to learn a great deal so that you can enjoy your time at university with many new friends.

Let me take a moment to introduce to you the undergraduate and graduate schools that provide the specialized curricula of our university.

In the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, students learn the principles, knowledge, and application of the laws of economic and of business management. In 2025, an international course of study will be established that will allow students to graduate by taking all of their courses in English.

The Graduate School of Business Administration opened its Business School last year. This represents one of the best business schools in Japan with top-notch professors. Top elites from technology and management companies as well as top venture entrepreneurs are enrolled as students. Chairman Nagamori and other leading executives at the forefront of various industries also provide lectures, and classes are conducted primarily in English.

The Faculty of Humanities and the Graduate School of Humanities focus on “people”. How can “people” respond to the dizzying changes and technological innovation of contemporary society? It is necessary to think beyond the boundaries of academia about how “people” can take the lead in social change. In other words, the humanities are the root of society and the foundation of all studies. The International Center for Kyotology will use digital technology to study Kyoto from the perspectives of history, Japanese literature, linguistics, sociology, and psychology, and to examine the construction of a universal system of knowledge from multiple perspectives. This represents a hybridization of the humanities and sciences.

The Faculty of Humanities will play a central role in establishing the Advanced Tourism Course in time for your enrollment from this April. This is a course to study tourism, plus history, plus digital technology, plus management. This is a unique course only offered at our university.

The Faculty of Bioenvironmental Sciences and the Graduate School of Bioenvironmental Sciences aim to understand the mechanisms of life from the molecular level to environmental interactions in order to create a habitable environment for all life on Earth. The earth belongs to all of us. The Faculty of Bioenvironmental Sciences has established the Future Bioenvironmental Innovation Center (FuBEIC), a center for deep thinking about human survival, food sources, the global environment, and life. FuBEIC will be very relevant in all of your educations. The Faculty of Bioenvironmental Sciences will also establish an English-language international course from the 2025 academic year.

In the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, students learn knowledge that can contribute to the realization of healthy and prosperous lives. In our country’s super-aging society, the need for human resources involved in health and medical care is constantly increasing. This year, all of our students once again passed the national nursing examinations. Further, 94% of our students passed the national examination for speech-language pathology. Considering that the national pass rate is 67.4%, these are good results, but we will aim to make sure that every student succeeds.

In addition, sports are essential for a long and healthy life. Not only that, sports enrich our lives. Many people may have been moved by the success of the Japanese team in the recent WBC. Sports have great power. The High Performance Course, which will be established this year in the Department of Health and Sports Sciences, aims to develop athletes who can perform at the national level and then provide them with training to succeed as career athletes. I hope that those of you joining this program will aim to become specialists who can contribute to the health and enrichment of people’s lives.

Then there is the Faculty of Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering. Engineering is connected to all industries and our daily lives. Our students think about the new services demanded by people and society, the new products that provide those services, what form and function they should take, and how to make them in concrete terms, all based on the real world. This is the “basis” of manufacturing. I want our students to learn about themselves and society, and to become professionals who can play an active role in the field. The Capstone Project is a regular course offered in the third and fourth years, in which students work together with industry experts to solve problems faced by real companies. This is real “Program -based Learning”.

Our university will continue to drive reform.

In the Faculty of Engineering, established in 2020, all classes are taught in English, and international students from around the world make up half of the enrollment; from April, the Faculty of Humanities will take the lead in offering Digital Liberal Arts Literacy, the first hands-on digital data science course in Japan, to all KUAS students; in 2025, the Faculty of Bioenvironmental Sciences and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration will also open undergraduate international courses taught in English.

We will also further enhance our graduate schools in all fields. Through these ongoing reforms, we will aim to break down the current pecking order among Japanese universities that is based on deviation score-minded education and brand names, as our Chairman has repeatedly advocated.

Last but not least, we will enhance our competitive sports teams to promote our university’s sense of community. In addition to the existing hardball, women’s basketball, powerlifting, and soccer teams, we will start women’s softball, dance, Japanese archery, and judo programs in April. All of these activities will be led by excellent instructors. I eagerly await your participation in these sport activities.

At the outset of today’s speech, I assured you that you have made a good choice and that these four years will be worth it. I can say this with confidence because KUAS has prepared a full menu of options to help you acquire the skills that you will need. You must be the one to decide what to choose from this menu, but if you need guidance, please consult with us. Our faculty and staff will do their utmost to assist you in this regard.

We have prepared a program that will help you gain the wisdom and strength you need to pursue your dreams on your own. We also offer career education, job placement support, and internships. Please make full use of these resources. It is you who must seize every opportunity.

I hope that four years from now, you will be able to pursue your own dreams as young professionals who can play an active role in Japan and global society, regardless of the uncertainties that lie ahead.

Once again, I would like to welcome you all. I hope that you will enjoy your student life to the fullest, and make every effort to learn as much as you can.

Congratulations. The future is yours to create. Move ahead.

MAEDA Masafumi President

(大学総務課 中村友紀)