2022年度のキャップストーンプロジェクトで株式会社松井製作所(大阪市城東区 代表取締役 松井貞雄)の課題に取り組んだ工学部の学生たちの成果が、3月1日(水)より同社で実用化されることになりました。今年度のキャップストーンプロジェクトで学生の課題への取り組み成果が実用化されるのは初めてです。
キャップストーンプロジェクト チームメンバーのコメント

(工学部教授 今井欽之)
(広報センター 浦田剛)
Capstone Project: KUAS Engineering Students’ Design to be Used in Production
During their 2022 Capstone Project, our students from the KUAS Faculty of Engineering tackled a problem proposed by Matsui Seisakusho Co., Ltd. a mechanical jig, designed by the students as a solution to the problem, will be put into practical use by the company from March this year. Theirs is the first Capstone Project result to be put into service this year by the collaborating company.
Matsui Seisakusho Co., Ltd., which collaborated with the students on their project, manufactures valves and fittings used in fields such as gas equipment, air conditioners, semiconductors, and medical devices. KUAS students were given the task of making a jig to test metal fittings for leaks. The students used equipment including 3D printers to create a prototype jig that the company subsequently decided to put into production use.
Daimon Matsui, Managing Director of Matsui Seisakusho, commented, “They proposed a design that we had never thought of in the company, from the student’s unique point of view, and we decided that the actual degree of perfection would stand up to practical use.”
In 2023, approximately 200 in their third and fourth year students in the Faculty of Engineering at KUAS will undertake Capstone Projects, choosing between more than 40 different problems proposed by 30 companies.
Comments from the Capstone Project Team Members
Shinya Kato: “It is such an accomplishment that the jig that we designed, prototyped, and manufactured can be used in the actual inspection process. I am very happy that our work is now contributing something to the actual production site.”
Kouki Hattori: “I am very pleased that we were able to put the results into practice. We hope that the jig we made will contribute to the production site.”
Ryusei Maeda: “I really learned a lot from our partners of Matsui Seisakusho. With this experience, I would like to build my career as an engineer working in overseas.”
Ryo Mitani: “Thanks to everyone in Matsui Seisakusho and the team members of this product. I believe that is our teamwork to achieve this output. I am very pleased to see the results of this Capstone Project.”

Views of the jig made by the students from 3D-printed parts
(Tadayuki Imai, Faculty of Engineering)
(Go Urata, Public Relations Center)