若本さんは「Mechanical Reliability of Sintered Nano Silver for Power Device Packaging」と題した博士論文を提出。この日の公聴会には工学部や工学研究科の留学生をはじめ30名以上が聴講しました。若本さんによる講演と質疑応答は全て英語で実施されました。
若本さんの研究内容は、新パワー半導体(シリコンカーバイド半導体: SiC)と金属基板の接合箇所に関する故障メカニズム解明についてです。「マイクロナノ機械工学分野に造詣の深いKUASの生津研究室は、課題解決に最適の場であると思いました。会社とKUASの両輪で研究を進めて、将来的にはこの分野の研究を国際的にリードしたいと思い、入学を決意しました」と若本さんは述べられました。

(工学部教授 今井欽之)
(広報センター 浦田剛)
The first doctoral candidate at Kyoto University of Advanced Science defends his thesis
On Monday 30 January 2023 Keisuke Wakamoto, a student in the Graduate School of Engineering at KUAS, publicly defended his doctoral thesis. His was the first public doctoral thesis defense among the first graduate students who entered the newly formed Department of Mechanical and Electrical System Engineering of Kyoto University of Advanced Science at its inception.
Mr. Wakamoto submitted a doctoral thesis titled “Mechanical Reliability of Sintered Nano Silver for Power Device Packaging”. His defense was attended by more than 30 people, including overseas students from the Graduate School of Engineering. Mr. Wakamoto’s presentation and the subsequent Q&A session were conducted in English.
Mr. Wakamoto’s research focuses on the failure mechanism of new power semiconductor (SiC) bonds with metal substrate. He said, “I thought that the laboratory of Professor Namazu at KUAS, which has deep knowledge in the field of micro-nano mechanical engineering, was the perfect place to solve problems. Pursuing research both at my workplace and KUAS may lead my research in this field internationally. So I decided to start my research in KUAS” said Mr. Wakamoto.
Wakamoto Introduces doctoral thesis at Public Hearing
Mr. Wakamoto joined the doctoral program at the Graduate School of Engineering of KUAS in April 2020 while working at ROHM Semiconductor Corporation’s Research and Development Center. He completed his doctoral thesis while balancing his fulltime work with research at the school. After his defense Mr. Wakamoto said, “I would like to proceed with the validation of the results obtained in my doctoral thesis and strive to contribute to the further implementation of silicon carbide.”

(Tadayuki Imai, Faculty of Engineering)
(Go Urata, Public Relations Center)