本学教員の生津資大教授(工学部/専門分野:ナノメカニクス、ナノテクノロジ、機能性材料)が率いるナノメカトロニクス研究室所属の大学院博士3年生若本恵佑君がThe 6th International Conference on Materials and Reliability(ICMR2022 in Yamaguchi)にて「Sintered Silver Degradation Assessment by Thermal and Mechanical Cyclic Tests」の研究発表を行い、Young Researcher Awardを受賞しました。この賞は、国際会議ICMRにおいて、材料工学研究を精力的に行っている若手研究者の中から最も優れた口頭発表を行った者を表彰するものです。2022年12月に山口県山口市のKDDI維新ホールで行われたICMR2022での120件を超える口頭発表の中から見事に選ばれました。

(工学部教授 今井欽之)
Keisuke Wakamoto, KUASE 3rd year doctoral student, received the ICMR 2022 Young Researcher Award
KUAS Graduate School of Engineering third-year doctoral course student Keisuke Wakamoto, a member of the Nanomechatronics Laboratory (directed by Professor Takahiro Namazu and specializing in nanomechanics, nanotechnology, and functional materials), has received the Young Researcher Award from the 6th International Conference on Material and Reliability (ICMR 2022) held in Yamaguchi for his presentation entitled “Sintered Silver Degradation Assessment by Thermal and Mechanical Cyclic Tests”. This award recognizes young researchers both for their outstanding research and for their “best oral presentation” delivered at the conference. One of over 120 oral presentations, Mr. Wakamoto’s research and presentation were very positively evaluated which lead to his award.
The Nanomechatronics Laboratory is developing a novel and reliable wafer bonding technology for silicon-carbide (SiC) power devices. SiC devices have low resistive and switching losses during electric power conversion and are expected to be used in applications having large electrical power density. Silver sintering (s-Ag) bonding technology using Ag nanoparticles has recently attracted much attention as a SiC power device die bonding material. The s-Ag has superior heat conductivity and higher melting point compared with typical solders, even though are disadvantages such as the existence of pores. For practical use, experimentally understanding the fracture mechanism involving pore and microstructure changes inside the s-Ag layer should lead to better thermal reliability for SiC devices using s-Ag bonding.
Mr. Wakamoto said, “My research life at the Namazu Laboratory was a series of new challenges for me. It is a great honor for my research results and my hard work to be recognized by the ICMR 2022. I would like to say thanks to professors and colleagues always supporting me. Without your support, I could not earn this award.” Prof. Namazu said to him, “Congratulations Keisuke! You made it! I and all the lab members are very happy. This award will encourage all the KUASE graduate and undergraduate students.”

(Tadayuki Imai, Faculty of Engineering)