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本学工学部教員の生津資大教授(工学部/専門分野:ナノメカニクス、ナノテクノロジ、機能性材料)が率いるナノメカトロニクス研究室所属の安木大恭さん(大学院修士2年生)が日本機械学会2022年度年次大会にて「NiAl合金のクラック生成に及ぼすB添加の効果」の研究発表を行い、若手優秀講演フェロー賞を受賞しました。この賞は、日本機械学会主催の講演会において優れた講演を行った学生員と正員に対して顕彰するもので、若者に自信と誇りを与え、若手の専門家育成を支援し、科学技術創造立国のための人材育成に貢献することを目的としています。2023年11月に熊本城ホールで開催予定の第14回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウムにて表彰されます。国際会議ICPE2022でのYoung Researcher Awardに続き、ダブル受賞の快挙となります。




(工学部教授 今井欽之)

Daisuke Yasugi, KUAS Engineering 2nd year master’s student, received the JSME 2022 Young Fellow Award

Daisuke Yasugi, a second-year master’s student at the KUAS Graduate School of Engineering and a member of the Nanomechatronics Laboratory (directed by Professor Takahiro Namazu and specializing in nanomechanics, nanotechnology, and functional materials), has received the Young Fellow Award from the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) 2022 Annual Meeting held in Toyama University for his presentation entitled “Effect of B Doping on Cracking in NiAl Alloy”. This award recognizes outstanding research work presented by young researchers at conferences organized by the JSME. Mr. Yasugi’s research and presentation were very positively evaluated, leading to this award. This was Mr. Yasugi’s second award this year, following a Young Researcher Award that he received from the 19th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE 2022).

Mr. Yasugi and his colleagues at the Nanomechatronics Laboratory are developing a new technology for joining two wafers in less than 0.1 seconds using an aluminum-nickel (Al/Ni) multilayer film that instantaneously self-propagates and generates heat when a minute external stimulus is applied. This is an energy-saving and eco-friendly technology that is expected to significantly reduce the time and cost associated with power semiconductor device manufacturing and packaging. While developing this technology they faced the problem that minute defects, such as voids and microcracks, remained in the joined section causing the strength and thermal resistance of the joint to deteriorate. In their research they succeeded in significantly reducing those defects by introducing boron to the Al/Ni multilayers which improved their fracture toughness. The result is increased bonding strength and reduced thermal resistance, and a new technology that is expected to impact next-generation power semiconductor device manufacturing processes while contributing positively to the environment.

Mr. Yasugi said, “It is a great honor for my research results to be recognized twice in this academic year. It was hard for me to pursue experiment technically, but now I feel proud to have worked so hard.” Professor Namazu added, “This award is solely the result of his continuous great efforts. Daisuke has contributed to show KUAS’s strong research activity to the world.”


(Tadayuki Imai, Faculty of Engineering)