7月にウクライナから来日した本学のAnna Shershnova研究員による俳句が「Haiku for Peace(主催:京都×俳句プロジェクト)」の中の一句に選ばれ、11月19日(土)に京都市上京区の梨木神社で開催されたイベント「光の宮」で展示されました。
「京都×俳句プロジェクト」は、俳人の黛まどかさんの呼びかけで2020年に発足。コロナ渦で打撃を受けた京都観光を俳句の力で励ます目的で始動しました。今年は3月より「Haiku for Peace」というテーマで世界中から平和を願う俳句を募集。約40の国や地域から英語やフランス語などの800句ほどが寄せられ、Anna研究員の句を含む約180句が短冊に書かれて展示されました。平和を願う趣旨から、展示された俳句はすべて梨木神社に奉納。Annaさんによる、次の一句も奉納されました。
“Serenity touch / Baby sleeping silently / Through air raid sirens”
(広報センター 浦田剛)
(国際センター/総合研究所講師 マイケルスミス)
On Saturday, November 19, a haiku by KUAS researcher Anna Shershnova, who arrived in Japan from Ukraine in July, was featured in the “Haiku for Peace” event organized by the “Kyoto x Haiku Project.”
The project was launched in 2020 at the urging of haiku poet Madoka Mayuzumi. The project was launched to support tourism in Kyoto, which suffered setbacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, the project began in March with the theme “Haiku for Peace,” calling for haiku from all over the world that call for peace on earth. Some of the entries were on display at the “Hikari no Miya ” event being held at Nashinoki Shrine in Kyoto’s Kamigyo Ward.
About 800 haiku were submitted in English and French from about 40 countries and regions, and about 180 of them were displayed on strips of paper, including Anna’s haiku, which were also displayed at Nashinoki Shrine during the “Shrine of Light” event. The following haiku by Anna was also dedicated to Nashinoki Shrine.
“Serenity touch / Baby sleeping silently / Through air raid sirens”
Anna came to Japan in July this year. Her works are also introduced on the project’s official website and covered on NHK News program as well.
The “Kyoto x Haiku Project” is also inviting haiku poets who are new to haiku to submit their works. If you are interested, please submit a haiku on the theme of peace from the project’s official website listed below.
“Kyoto x Haiku Project” official website
(GO URATA, Public Relations Center)
(MICHEAL SMITH, International Center / Institute of Interdisciplinary Research Junior Associate Professor)