2022年11月7日(月)本学の小関副学長は、米国ジョージア州アトランタで開催された「American Welding Society(以下、「米国溶接学会」)」の年次大会で、同学会の創設者の名を冠する「Comfort A. Adams Lecture Award」を受賞しました。
「Comfort A. Adams Lecture Award」は、同学会の創設者Dr. Comfort A. Adamsの名を冠した最高位の賞として毎年、特筆すべき貢献のあった会員の中から一人に授与されます。1943年に創設された歴史ある賞に、今年度は小関副学長が選ばれました。
同賞の授賞式および受賞講演は11月7日(月)アトランタで行われ、小関副学長は「Understanding and Control of Weld Microstructure and Joint Interface of Steels and Dissimilar Metals」のタイトルで約1時間の講演を行いました。
溶接工学は、材料工学とともに小関副学長の研究分野の1つであり、これまで溶接部や接合部の非定常な材料組織形成を結晶方位解析などの様々な解析手法、数値シミュレーションを使って解明し成果を公表されてきました。小関副学長はこれまで同分野で、日本溶接学会、日本溶接協会、軽金属溶接協会の理事を務めるとともに、英国の国際ジャーナル”Science and Technology of Welding and Joining”の編集委員、国際溶接協会( International Institute of Welding)のIX-L委員会委員長も務め、米国溶接学会、日本溶接学会それぞれのフェローにも選出されています。
(広報センター 浦田剛)
Dr. Toshihiko Koseki, Vice President of KUAS, Receives “Comfort A. Adams Lecture Award” from the American Welding Society
The American Welding Society (AWS) announced that Dr. Koseki, Vice President of Kyoto University of Advanced Science (KUAS) received the “Comfort A. Adams Lecture Award,” named after the founder of AWS, on Monday November 7th, at their annual conference in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
The “Comfort A. Adams Lecture Award” is the highest-ranking award. The award, which was founded in 1943 and named after the Society’s founder, Dr. Comfort A. Adams, is given annually to one society member who has made a significant contribution to the filed. In this year, Vice President Koseki was selected for this traditional award.
The award ceremony and acceptance lecture were held in Atlanta, and Vice President Koseki gave a one-hour lecture under the title of “Understanding and Control of Weld Microstructure and Joint Interface of Steels and Dissimilar Metals.”
The AWS, founded in 1919, has a proud history of over 100 years and hosts approximately 70,000 members. Their activities cover a wide range of Welding Engineering topics, including material science, the technology of wielding and joining, coating, and automation as well as robotics and three-dimensional printing.
Welding Engineering is one of Dr. Koseki’s fields of research along with materials engineering. Thus far, he has published the results of elucidating the unsteady state formation of material microstructures in welds and joints using various analytical methods, such as crystal orientation analysis and numerical simulations.
Dr. Koseki has served as a Board Member of the Japan Welding Society, Japan Welding Engineering Society, and Japan Light Metal Welding Association, as well as the Editorial Committee Member of the British journal “Science and Technology of Welding and Joining”, Director of Committee Member of the IX-L “International Institute of Welding,” and has also been elected a Fellow of both the AWS and the Japan Welding Society.
(PR Center, Go Urata)