本学工学部半導体電力変換研究室の元客員研究員でイタリアのナポリ大学”Federico II”の若手研究者であるイラリア マタチェーナ博士が、IEEE-IPFA 2022で最優秀ポスター賞を受賞しました。
International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA) は、米国電気電子学会 (IEEE) が主催し、半導体デバイスの信頼性の分野で世界の専門家が一堂に会する名誉ある年次会議です。
イラリア マタチェーナ博士の努力と重要な業績に心からお祝いを申し上げます。
(工学部教授 今井欽之)
Dr. Matacena, former Visiting Researcher in the KUAS Solid State Power Processing Lab, won the best poster award at IEEE-IPFA 2022 【Faculty of Engineering】
Dr. Ilaria Matacena, a former visiting researcher in the KUAS Faculty of Engineering Solid State Power Processing Lab and a young researcher at the University of Naples “Federico II” in Italy, received the Best Poster Award at the IEEE-IPFA 2022.
The International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA), hosted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), is a prestigious annual conference that brings together global experts in the field of semiconductor device reliability.
The 2022 meeting was held in Singapore, where Dr. Matacena presented the results of research conducted in collaboration with Dr. Castellazzi of the KUAS Faculty of Engineering during her stay in Kyoto in the second half of the academic year 2021-2022..
We would like to congratulate Dr. Ilaria Matacena for her efforts and important achievements.
(Professor IMAI Tadayuki, Faculty of Engineering)