- 衛生用品
タオル、ティッシュ、シャンプー・リンス、ボディソープ、石鹸、歯ブラシ・歯磨き粉、洗濯洗剤、カミソリ等 - 衣服
洋服(上着含む)、下着、パジャマ、スリッパ、靴、靴下等 - 生活用品・学用品
E-mail: ukr-support@kuas.ac.jp
京阪ホテルズ&リゾーツ株式会社 様
電気のお店TACヒラヤマ 様
丸善雄松堂株式会社 様
Dear Community Members and Local Business Operators,
KUAS plans to provide support for up to thirty Ukrainian students by providing them with a place to study. So far, six students have been accepted to KUAS and are now preparing to leave Europe and come to Japan as soon as all necessary procedures are completed.
In the course of our communications with these Ukrainian students, our university has learned that many of them were forced to evacuate with nothing but the clothes on their backs, and that they lack most daily necessities.
Should you possess or produce any of the following goods, and are willing to donate them, our campus community would be very grateful for your kind support.
Items Requested for Donation
- For purposes of expedience, we are asking that donations be made in quantities suitable for all 30 Ukrainian students.
- Donations are tax deductible.
- Hygienic Products & Toiletries
Towels, Tissues, Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Laundry Detergent, Shaving Razors - Clothing and Other Wearables
Clothing, Underwear, Pajamas, Slippers, Shoes, Socks, Coats - Daily Necessities & School Supplies
Cups, Cutlery, Eating Utensils, Electric Current Adapters, Umbrellas, Stationary, Laptop Computers, Backpacks
If you have any questions or would like to make a donation, please contact us at the following e-mail address.
Please inquire at: ukr-support@kuas.ac.jp
Message of appreciation
KUAS would like to thank the following sponsors for their ongoing support and assistance in providing Ukrainian students with the daily necessities they will need upon their imminent arrival in Japan. This would not be possible without the support of our sponsors and KUAS will ensure that all support received is passed on to the Ukrainian students.
[Sponsors] (in alphabetical order)
The Bank of Kyoto, Ltd.
Keihan Hotels & Resorts
MARUZEN-YUSHODO Company, Limited
TAC Hirayama (Electronics store)
(Current as of 2022.6.7)