

第二部「KUASで、ナニヲスル? Launch Meeting with 前田学長」では、学長と各学部長が登壇し、新入生からの質問に答える企画が行われました。新入生からは、これから始まる大学生活に対する不安や意気込み、力を入れていきたいことなど様々な声などがあがり、教員と新入生との距離が縮まりイベントとなり、新入生のメモリーに残るものとなりました。

学長告辞 / Entrance Ceremony President’s Speech
学長 前田正史
Congratulations to all of you on your enrollment! All our faculty, staff and students would like to extend a hearty welcome and congratulations to you.
Along with anticipation for life at university, you may be feeling a touch of anxiety. However, there is no need to worry. I believe that you have made an excellent choice by choosing Kyoto University of Advanced Science. These four years will be of great value to you.
Kyoto University of Advanced Science is a compact, but very dynamic “comprehensive” university with approximately 4,000 students, 200 full-time faculty members, and 300 supporting faculty members across 5 faculties and 5 graduate schools, all of whom are eager to welcome you.
In the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, students are encouraged to study with their professors, build their knowledge, and take on the challenges of a practical program that will provide them with real work experience both in Japan and abroad.
Our university has just established a new Business School. Our Graduate School of Business Administration Master’s program is one of the best in Japan, created by top-notch faculty members. Sixteen graduate students have enrolled in this business school as its first class. They are all top elites from technical and administrative companies or heads of venture startups. All of them are working professionals. The business school offers lectures on weekday evenings and Saturdays at the newly established Future Center at Kyoto Uzumasa Campus. The main aim of the program will be supporting graduate students to obtain an MBA in two years of study. Lectures will be given by Chairman Nagamori and other leading executives who are active at the forefront of their respective fields. Classes will also be conducted primarily in English.
In the Faculty of Humanities and the Graduate School of Humanities, the focus is on “people.” How do “people” respond to the dizzying changes and technological innovations that now occur in society? To understand this, we must transcend the boundaries of academic disciplines. The Tale of Genji Text Analytics Center, which will be launched on April 5, will rigorously analyze the Tale of Genji by applying digital technology to statistical methods of text analysis, and examine the work from multiple perspectives, including Japanese literature, linguistics, sociology, and psychology. This will provide our scholars with a true hybrid perspective of literature and science.
The Faculty of Bioenvironmental Sciences and the Graduate School of Bioenvironmental Sciences work to understand the mechanisms of life at the molecular level in order to create a habitable environment for all life on Earth. The Earth belongs to everyone. The Faculty of Bioenvironmental Sciences has established the Future BioEnvironment Initiative-Center (FuBEIC), a center for deep thinking about human survival, food, the environment, and life. FuBEIC will also become a cornerstone in all our students’ educations.
The full cooperation of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, including their launch of early on-campus vaccination programs, has been critical in protecting our campus during COVID-19 and ensuring that our doors remained open to our students. As Japan becomes a “super-aged” society, the need for health and medical care professionals will increase even more, and sports are essential for extending healthy life expectancy. This year, all our nursing students and 95% of our speech-language pathologists passed their national examinations for medical practitioners. I hope that all our new health and medical sciences students will all aim to become specialists who can contribute to people’s health and quality of life.
Then there is the Faculty of Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering. Engineering is connected to virtually all industries as well as our daily lives and is the “basis” of all manufacturing. I hope that our new engineering students will make new discoveries about themselves and the world and aim to become professionals who can play an active role in the field. About 50 of the international students who enrolled last September have not been able to enter Japan due to Japan’s COVID-19 immigration policies, but they have been arriving in Japan one by one since this March, and many of them are scheduled to arrive between April and May. A further 80 international students will be enrolling in September. I hope that our new domestic students will use this as a chance to make connections with international students from diverse cultural backgrounds and gain global awareness.
All of you represent the fourth class of students that we have welcomed since the founding of Kyoto University of Advanced Science.
In addition to the extensive specialized education offered by our faculties, KUAS also offers a rich liberal arts education that will give students the ability to flourish as members of a global society. All students will be expected to enroll in start-up seminars to learn project-based problem-solving skills, sports and life-skill (SLS) training to develop communication skills, and English language instruction to obtain practical language proficiency. Elective courses are also offered to deepen students’ understanding of science and technology, life sciences, social sciences, and the humanities.
Not only that, but KUAS has undergone major reforms over the past three years: the Faculty of Engineering, established in 2020, offers all its classes in English, and international students from around the world make up half of its enrollment. Starting in April 2023, the first hands-on digital data science course in Japan, Digital Liberal Arts Literacy, will be offered to all KUAS students. One of the things students will do in this class will involve wearing sensors that will send signals to a cloud server via digital communication. Students will then analyze that to solve various problems. This is very much like what many students are already doing every day by using their smartphone, but now they will have the opportunity to actively approach it as Data Science.
In 2025 the Faculty of Bioenvironmental Sciences and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration will also begin undergraduate English-language programs with international enrollment. At the same time, KUAS will further enhance all our graduate programs. Through these ongoing reforms, KUAS will, in the words of our Chairman, challenge the existing hierarchy of universities in Japan that rest on the laurels of their brand name power. Our students, first and foremost, will be the ones to issue this challenge.
At the beginning of my speech, I assured you that you have made a good choice and that the next four years will be of great value to you. I can say that because KUAS has prepared a full range of options to help you acquire the competencies that you will need. Only you can choose from what is on offer, but if you are in any doubt, please consult with us. Our faculty and staff will be happy to help you. At KUAS, we have prepared programs that will give you the wisdom and strength you will need to pursue your dreams. I should also mention that KUAS offers job career training, job placement support and internship programs. Please make full use of these facilities. It is up to you to seize these opportunities.
It is my hope that, four years from now, you will be able to pursue your dreams and become professionals who can flourish in Japan or overseas, no matter what uncertainties the future may hold.
Once again, welcome to Kyoto University of Advanced Science. Study hard and enjoy yourself to the fullest. Congratulations on your enrollment today. The future is yours to create.
Masafumi MAEDA
理事長祝辞 / Chairman’s Message
■Chairman’s Message
I am Shigenobu Nagamori, Chairman of Nagamori Gakuen, which administers Kyoto University of Advanced Science, as well as its attached junior high school, high school, and kindergartens. Today I would like to extend my heartiest welcome to each of you and congratulate you on your admission to Kyoto University of Advanced Science.
This spring marks my fourth year as a university administrator. I am a businessman, and usually, I am involved in running my company. I was born the youngest son of a poor farmer, and about 50 years ago, in 1973, when I was 28 years old, I renovated my shed and started a company called Nidec Corporation. At the time, I only had only three employees, but today Nidec is the world’s largest motor manufacturer, employing about 140,000 people across 380 group companies in 46 countries all over the world.
I am, so to speak, an employer of university graduates. Every year, I welcome many graduates as new employees. However, after analysis, I have discovered that the people who are capable of groundbreaking inventions, product development, and top sales numbers are not necessarily from what are commonly referred to as “prestigious universities.” In other words, the reality is that we are changing to a meritocracy where one’s academic background is irrelevant.
Despite this, education in Japan remains focused on standard deviation scores and brand names. Students spend their elementary school, junior high school, and high school years studying for entrance exams to get into brand-name universities. Then, they enter the workforce without having decided what they want to do. So, they cannot speak English, and they lack expertise. Companies spend several years retraining those graduates, but many quit soon after, having realized that they dislike the job. I realized that unless this situation changes, Japan will lose to global competition. We must diligently teach our students that it is not about “where” you learn, but rather “what” you learn.
This April, KUAS has opened a new Business School with the idea that we need to develop stronger managers. In Japan, we only have “salaryman” managers and no “professional” managers. I want to foster more people who have dreams of starting a new company and building that company into a world-class enterprise, the first of its kind in Japan. In the past, Japan had great entrepreneurs such as Honda Soichiro and Matsushita Konosuke. What exactly did they have in common? By no means did they graduate from famous universities. They simply worked hard. They persevered and worked through hardships without running away from them, and this is what allowed them to grow their companies into global enterprises.
Everything starts as an ideal. It then turns into a dream, which turns into a hope, which finally turns into a reality. I have a dream to foster you into great citizens, and at the same time, to develop many of you into entrepreneurs. But dreams alone are not enough. We must “give shape to our dreams.”
Today is just the start. I encourage you to enjoy your life at university, but also think about what you will need for your future, and to learn with passion about the things you find interesting.
Today, when I look at your faces, I see great potential in all of you. Please remember what I have said today as you spend the next four years of your lives. A bright future is waiting for all of you.
Congratulations to all of you.
京都先端科学大学入学式 ダイジェスト動画