本学工学部のチームがロボットの国際大会に参加し、入賞しました。この大会は、International Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) と日本ロボット学会(the Robotics Society of Japan, RSJ)が合同で主催するロボット分野の主要な国際会議である2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)の一環として催されました。

Swami M. Kumar君、賀茂川 英君、久力活君
指導:佐藤 啓宏講師、サジド ニサル講師

(工学部教授 今井欽之)
Students from the KUAS Faculty of Engineering have won a prize in an international robotic challenge. The robot challenge was held as part of the 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), a flagship robotics conference organized jointly by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ).
According to the contest guidelines, the goal of the competition was to foster interest in robotics from early-stage university students around the world. The challenge was held remotely between July and September 2021 and consisted of two main stages. The first stage focused on autonomous robot navigation in indoor environments while the second stage included tasks to be performed using a robotic arm connected to a mobile robot base. Teams from several countries participated in the challenge and, after a tough evaluation, only five teams made it through to the final stage of the competition.
For successfully advancing to the competition’s final stage the KUAS Engineering team members were awarded certificates and a cash prize of 600€ (approximately 80,000 JPY). Members of the team described their participation in the challenge as a great opportunity to learn robotics, algorithmic thinking, computer programming, and teamwork.

Supervisors (not shown): Dr. Yoshihiro Sato, Dr. Sajid Nisar

(Faculty of Engineering Professor Takayuki IMAI)