本学工学部機械電気システム工学科の2年生と1年生の学生が進めているプロジェクト「Akikomi」の活動が、日本経済新聞に掲載されました。「Akikomi」は、コロナ禍でソーシャルディスタンスを保つことが必要とされる中、大学内で「混み」あっている部屋を避けて「空き」のある部屋を簡単にリモートで探すための、教室モニタリングシステムです。昨年には、米国電気学会(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE)の国際会議IEEE TALE 2020の中で開かれたStudent Research Competition大学の部で優勝しています。
(工学部 教授 今井欽之)

Nikkei reports on the “Akikomi” project, brainchild of students at KUAS’ Faculty of Engineering
Japanese newspaper Nikkei introduced the activities of “Akikomi”, a project of first- and second-year Engineering students at KUAS. Akikomi is a classroom surveillance system developed in response to the regulation of “social distancing” during COVID-19 so that uncrowded rooms in the University can be found easily and remotely. The system won the undergraduate prize in the Student Research Competition at the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE). The students are currently working on finalizing the system for installation at the University.