入学式の冒頭、前田正史学長が「自らの意思と責任で、自分の進路を見据え、卒業に向けて学習してほしい。卒業時に国際社会で実力を発揮できるタフな人材になることを目指してほしい。私たち教員・職員は、一丸となって応援する」と新入生へ励ましの言葉が贈られました。また、田畑修工学部長がフランス語の「bon voyage(良い旅を!)」を引き合いに出し、新入生の門出に祝辞を述べました。
その後、工学部機械電気システム工学科2年生の徳山颯さんから歓迎の言葉が述べられると共に「困難なことがあっても共に乗り越えていきましょう」と激励が送られました。また、新入生のスリランカ出身のWIJESUNDERA Prathiksha Kumari Supuniさんは入学の喜びに触れながら、「友人と共に決意と情熱をもって全力で勉学に励みます」と返答し、式が無事に終了しました
(大学総務部 由利誠)
KUAS Faculty of Engineering Enrolls its Inaugural International Class: 63 International Students from 21 Countries to Become Street-smart Global Engineers
On Wednesday, September 8th at 9:00 AM JST, the Fall 2021 Kyoto University of Advanced Science Entrance Ceremony was held at Sagano Hall in the South Building of the KUAS Kyoto Uzumasa Campus, using a hybrid format that combined online and in person audiences. A total of 48 undergraduate students and 15 graduate students from 21 countries including Brazil, Canada, and the United States, were welcomed to the KUAS Faculty of Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering. Eight students attended the event in-person, and 55 students participated via online stream. This ceremony was the first time that the KUAS Faculty of Engineering, which launched in April of 2020, accepted undergraduate international students.
At the beginning of the ceremony, President Maeda Masafumi greeted the new students and offered words of encouragement: “Let’s work together to make sure that when you graduate from this university, you will be tough, street-smart individuals who can demonstrate your abilities at the center of the international stage.” Professor Tabata Osamu, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, also gave some words of encouragement to the new students, wishing the new students a “bon voyage” on their new academic journey.
After that, Mr. Tokuyama Hayate, a second-year student of the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Systems Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering, gave a welcome speech and encouraged the new students to overcome their obstacles together. Ms. WIJESUNDERA Prathiksha Kumari Supuni, a new student from Sri Lanka, expressed her delight at being admitted to KUAS, saying that she will, “study with determination and passion” side by side with her new classmates.
*The entrance ceremony was conducted entirely in English.
(YURI Makoto, University General Affairs Department)