本学工学部の田畑修工学部長とLIANG講師は7月30日(金)、文部科学省が主催する「高等教育DXシンポジウム」にリモート出演し、工学部が企画・開発を進める教育アプリケーション「eduBrAIn(エデュブレイン)」の進捗報告を行いました。当日、会場のCIC Tokyo(東京都港区)には約20名が対面参加したのに加え、オンラインで約340名が参加し,熱心に発表に耳を傾けました。
コメンテーターの株式会社EduLab 取締役副社長兼COO和田周久氏からは「最初のピッチから、これまで3回拝見してきましたが、しっかりとプロセスに落とし込まれて現実味が出て来ています」とエールが送られました。
(工学部機械電気システム工学科 今井欽之)
工学部 田畑修教授 tabata.osamu@kuas.ac.jp
工学部 LIANG Zilu講師 liang.zilu@kuas.ac.jp
[Faculty of Engineering News] KUAS Faculty of Engineering Dean Tabata, Junior Associate Professor Liang Participate in MEXT’s Scheme D Symposium
The Dean of the KUAS Faculty of Engineering, Professor Osamu Tabata, and Junior Associate Professor Zilu Liang participated remotely in a MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) Symposium on education DX on Friday, July 30, to report on the progress of the new KUAS educational application, “eduBrAIn”. About 20 people attended the event in person at CIC Tokyo (Minato Ward, Tokyo), and about 340 people attended online.
This symposium was held to present the results of the “Digitization Initiative for University Education (‘Scheme D’)” promoted by MEXT. At the 1st “Scheme D Pitch” held in February, 10 winners selected from the top 104 applicants made presentations (see previous article). The submission from KUAS was selected as one of the top projects, and the professors took this opportunity to report on their progress.
KUAS’s “eduBrAIn” is a system that uses real-time language processing AI technology to support, activate, and amplify brainstorming among students. When the project was announced, it was reported that KUAS had set milestones in cooperation with partner companies, started system development, and planned to release a beta version of the app within the fiscal year. System features, configuration, and technical challenges were also reported no. The professors also showed off the logo for the company.
Mr. Wada Norihisa, Executive Vice President and COO of EduLab Corporation, who participated as a commentator, encouraged the KUAS professors by saying, “I’ve seen the pitch for EduBrAIn three times now, and the way that all of the concepts presented have been properly implemented is very promising.”