読売新聞5月21日(金)付夕刊8面に「深い議論AIがお助け 関連情報自動検索して提示 京都先端大 今年度内にシステム導入」というタイトルで、本学工学部が進める自動検索システム「エデュブレイン」が紹介されました。
(広報課 田中紀子)
[Media] “EduBrain”, a system developed by the KUAS Faculty of Engineering, was featured in The Yomiuri Shimbun (Friday, May 21) evening edition.
On page 8 of The Yomiuri Shimbun (Friday, May 21) evening edition, the automated search system “EduBrain”, which is being developed by the KUAS Faculty of Engineering, was introduced under the title of “AI assists deep discussion by automatically searching for and presenting relevant information, KUAS system to be introduced within this fiscal year”.
“EduBrain” is a system in which artificial intelligence automatically searches for relevant information on the internet as students’ discussion progress, and displays information relevant to that discussion on their smartphones or computers. Expectations are high for this platform to encourage new ideas and to stimulate brainstorming, which as a technique is used not only in university seminars but in all kinds of different situations.
(Public Relations Division, Noriko Tanaka)
・工学部機械電気システム工学科 Ian PIUMARTA教授