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本学工学部の田畑修学部長とLIANG Zilu講師が2021年2月19日(金)にリモート開催された「スキームDピッチ」に登壇し、工学部機械電気システム工学科のIan PIUMARTA教授とLIANG Zilu講師が考案したユニークなアイデア「ブレイン:BrAIn」の提案を行いました。

スキームDとは、文部科学省が主催となり、デジタル技術を活用して「学修者本位の大学教育」の実現を目指すために2020年6月に組織された「大学教育のデジタライゼーション・イニシアティブ(Scheem-D:Student-centered higher education ecosystem through Digitalization)」の略称。同年11月から「求む。大学教育のDXに挑むイノベーター」をテーマにデジタル技術を用いて大学などの授業価値を最大化するアイデアを募集したところ、大学教員をはじめ、企業や学校教諭、学生などから計104件の応募があり、その中の上位10件が選ばれ、「スキームDピッチ」の場で発表が行われました。







工学部機械電気システム工学科のIan PIUMARTA先生


同学科のLIANG Zilu先生



工学部 田畑修教授 tabata.osamu@kuas.ac.jp

工学部 LIANG Zilu講師 liang.zilu@kuas.ac.jp

(工学部機械電気システム工学科 今井欽之)

[media] Dean Professor Osamu TABATA and Junior Associate Professor Zilu LIANG took a part in “Scheeme-D Pitch” hosted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).

Dean Professor Osamu TABATA and Junior Associate Professor Zilu LIANG, appeared on the stage at the remote meeting of “Scheeme-D Pitch” held on February 19, 2021 (Fri), and proposed the unique idea “brains: BrAIn” devised by Ian PIUMARTA Professor and LIANG Zilu Junior Associate Professor of Faculty of Engineering Department of Mechanical and Electrical System Engineering.

Scheem-D is the abbreviation for “student-centered university education” which was organized by MEXT in June 2020 to realize “University Education Digitization Initiative (Scheem-D: Student-centered higher education ecosystem through Digitalization)” by utilizing digital technology. In November of the same year, we began soliciting ideas on the theme of “Wanted! Innovators Challenging DX in University Education” to maximize the value of class at universities and other institutions. A total of 104 ideas were submitted by university teachers, corporations, school teachers, and students. Of these, the top 10 ideas were selected and presented at the “Scheeme-D Pitch”.

KUAS Dean TABATA and LIANG have announced “brains: BrAIn” which is an innovative system that supports, activates and amplifies brainstorming using AI technology that processes languages in real time. LIANG, who appeared on the stage as the only woman on the pitch, gave a presentation in English saying that the BrAIn function can recognize the speakers’ voice and transcribe it into text, extract keywords and provide related information to assist the brainstorming, activate and amplify the brainstorming using AI tips and advice, and provide feedback on the visualization, quantification and emotional analysis of the speaker’s voice.

To realize Scheem-D’s “student-centered university education” KUAS is looking for companies and researchers to become partners in the “brains: BrAIn”. If you are interested, please contact us at the following address.


*You can watch the presentation from the video below.


Professor Ian PIUMARTA


Junior Associate Professor Zilu LIANG

Scheem-D related meterial


Faculty of Engineering Professor Osamu TABATA tabata.osamu@kuas.ac.jp

Faculty of Engineering Junior Associate Professor Zilu LIANG liang.zilu@kuas.ac.jp

(Faculty of Engineering Professor Takayuki IMAI)