



京都先端科学大学には、スポーツ・ライフスキル(SLS)という授業があります。これは、全学部の 1・2年生が履修するスポーツ実技の授業で、様々なスポーツ種目を選択することができます。SLSでは、 安全かつ効果的にスポーツや運動 に取り組むための方法を学生のみなさんと一緒に考えながら授業を 進めていきます。 また、それらの活動を通じてチームワークを育み、主体性や状況把握力、課題解決力などの、国際社会で活躍するための基礎を身につけること目指しています。

バイオ環境学部教授 藤田 裕之

Kyoto University of Advanced Science offers a series of classes called Sports Life Skills (SLS). First-year and second-year students from all departments take these practical sports classes and they can choose what to take from a variety of different sports. In SLS classes, we work with students to develop safe and effective methods for engaging in sports and exercise. Through these activities, we aim for students to acquire a foundation for success in the international community by fostering teamwork through taking initiative, working on situational awareness, and improving problem-solving skills.

SLS General Operations Manager
Vice General Center Director of Education Development Center
Professor FUJITA Hiroyuki



フィットネスでは、個人的な体力を向上させることだけが目的ではなく、全体またグループでの協力のもと、アイディアを出し合い、検討、実践しながら目標を達成することを狙いとしている。様々な運動やトレーニングを体験しながら、コミュニケーション力の向上やチームワーク、さらにはリーダ ーシップ等の社会人基礎力を育むことを目的とする。
In the SLS fitness class, the goal is not only to improve individual fitness, but also to achieve goals by working together with the whole class and in groups through sharing ideas, observing, and practicing. Students will develop basic social skills such as improved communication, teamwork, and leadership by experiencing a variety of physical activities and training.

ニュースポーツ/New Sports

ニュースポーツは、体力や年齢、運動スキル、運動経験が異なる参加者が一緒に楽しめるよう工夫されたスポーツの総称で、アルティメット、カローリング、 ボッチャ、ゲートボール、 ローンボウルズなど数多くの種目がある。SLS では各セメスター数種目を選び、各種目を数回ずつ実施する。例えば、 1 回目はとれあえずやってみてルールをしっかり理解する。 2 回目以降は、たくさん練習して技術を磨いたり、チームで戦略を練って勝利を目指したり、参加者の特徴が活かせるようなルールを自分たちで考えたりする。
New sports is a general term for sports that are designed to be enjoyed by participants of different fitness levels, ages, motor skills, and athletic experience, and includes numerous games such as ultimate, curolling, boccia, gateball, lawn bowls, and disc golf. In this SLS class, several sports will be selected each semester and then played several times. For example, the first time the students play the sport, they should simply try it out and understand the rules. From the second time onward, the students should practice honing their skills, plan strategies to win as a team, and come up with their own rules to make the most of everyone’s unique characteristics.


フットサルでは、縦38〜 42m×横 18〜 25mとサッカーの 1/4程のフ ィールドで行うため、比較的体力に自信の無い学生でも楽しめるスポーツである。授業の序盤ではボールを使い遊びの中で少しずつ個人技術を習得 し、 徐々に仲間との連携を構築していく 。 それぞれの能力に応じて目標設定を行い、目標達成に向けて工夫や努力を繰り返す中で、授業を通じて社会人基礎力を身につける。
Futsal is played on a field that is 38 to 42 meters long by 18 to 25 meters wide (about one-fourth the size of a soccer field), so even students who are not confident in their physical strength can enjoy playing. In the beginning stages of class, students will gradually learn individual skills while playing and build cooperation with their peers. Students will set goals according to their respective abilities and acquire basic skills necessary for working in society as they repeatedly make efforts to achieve their goals in class.


Athletics will include walking, jogging, short distance running, hurdles, high jump, long jump, shot put and javelin throw. In each of these events, the focus will be on individual and group activities. Details of the events will be given at the start of the course.


The fun of badminton lies in the instantaneous and complex repetition of the back and forth movements as the racket hits the shuttle. When students become able to hit shots they could not make before and win matches they can sense their growth. Beginners may experience frustrations such as not being able to perform a smash or not being able to reach the shuttle when you are one step away from it. The key to improvement is getting used to the game. In this class, we will have friendly competitions among friends, and experienced students can further improve their skills by teaching others. Through playing badminton, we will create a fun and safe learning environment, learn the rules, and improve our basic social skills.


ソフトボールでは、はじめに受講者全員が 30秒スピーチを行い、受 講者および教員が話しかけやすくなるように、多くのコミュニケーションを図る場を提供する。その後、簡単な体力テストや技術テストを実施し、チームの力が拮抗するようにチーム分けを行う。毎回の授業でチームキャプテンを交代し、毎時間役割を変えて行い、チーム内での投球、守備、打撃などの練習を行い、技術レベルの向上を目指しながら試合を中心に行い、戦術や戦法を学びながら授業を進める。
The SLS softball class will begin with all students giving a 30 second speech to create an opportunity to communicate, which will make it easier for the students and teacher to talk with each other. After that, simple physical and technical practice will be conducted, and the students will be divided into teams so that their strength is evenly matched. Each class the team captain and the roles will change. The students will practice pitching, defense, and batting within their teams, aiming to improve their technical level while playing and learning tactics and game strategies.


テニスのボールやラケットになれるための体慣らしから始める。その後、基本技術の習得、審判の方法やルール・マナーの習得を段階的に行っていく。これらの習得は、主にグループワークを中心として行い、教員だけでなくグループでのコミュニケーションを取りながらインタラクティブに進めていく。最終的には、ダブルスのゲームによるリーグ戦を行い、習得し た技術や知識、チームワークをゲームの中で実践できるようにする。
Students start by getting used to the tennis ball and racket. This is followed by a step-by-step process of learning basic techniques, refereeing methods, rules, and manners. The acquisition of these skills will be done mainly through group work, which will be interactive and involve communication among the group as well as with the teacher. Eventually, league matches (including doubles games) will be held so that the acquired skills, knowledge, and teamwork can be put into practice.


サッカーでは、日常生活では複雑な動きを要求されない足でボー ルをコントロールするため、得意不得意が明確に出るスポーツである。そこで、まず自己分析することで他者との違い を知り、授業中に提示された課題についてメンバーと一緒にグループワークやディスカッションを行う。授業展開の中で、組織で自分の特徴を発揮する術を身につけ、また他者の特徴を理解することで、グループのメンバーが成長するためには何が必要かを分析、実行する内容となっている。授業序盤では、教員主導で課題を達成する内容になっているが、 SLS 終盤は学生主導で課題分析 計画 実行 評価、そして課題分析のサイクルを展開する授業となる。
Soccer clearly displays one’s strengths and weaknesses because it involves controlling the ball using complex foot movements that are not used in everyday life. Therefore, in this class, students will first learn how they are different from others through self-analysis. Later on, they will do group work and discussions with the members on the issues presented in class. During the class development, the students will learn how to demonstrate their own characteristics in a group setting. By understanding the characteristics of others, they will analyze and implement what is necessary for the members of the team to grow. The early stages of the class will be teacher-led in order to accomplish certain tasks. However, in the later stages the class will be student-led to develop the cycle of “task analysis planning execution evaluation task analysis”.


SLS classes are developed with the aim of enjoying the “demonstration of skills and tactical learning in games” together. In the early stages of class, students will practice ball coordination (e.g., handing), passing, dribbling, and shooting skills necessary for the game, and then play half-court games to test their skills. From the middle to the final stages of class, both experienced and inexperienced basketball players will team up, drill techniques, and play games while working on their communication abilities. Teammates will also discuss, practice, and evaluate tactics.


クリケットの競技人口は世界第3 位といわれ、 日本ではマイナーだが、 世界ではメジャーなスポーツである。 近年 、日本でもクリケットの競技人口が増加し、本格的な天然芝の クリケット場も国内に建設されてい る 。グローバルスポーツ である クリケットを授業でマスターしよう。 楽しみながら、投 げる、打つ、捕るなどの技能を高め、ルールを理解して、練習やゲームを行う中で、社会人基礎力を磨 きましょう 。
The number of cricket players is said to be the third largest in the world. Although it is a minor sport in Japan, it is a major sport globally. In recent years, the number of cricket players has increased in Japan, and full-fledged cricket grounds with natural grass are being constructed in Japan. In this class, let’s master the global sport of cricket. Have fun while learning the rules of cricket and improving your throwing, hitting, and catching skills. While playing games and practicing, let’s hone the basic skills that are needed by society.



伊賀野 大 講師(非常勤)

梶田 和宏 講師

小俣 貴洋 講師(嘱託)

新野 弘美 准教授

鈴木 楓太 講師

高橋 啓悟 講師(嘱託)

束原 文郎 准教授

成相 美紀 准教授

濱中 良 講師

早川 琢也 講師

細野 裕希 准教授

前田 奎 講師

銘苅 淳 講師(嘱託)

藪中 佑樹 講師(嘱託)

金田 和輝 講師(嘱託)
